Jaisidh's blog.

Being with it.

Remember to be with the experience.

What is happening is in itself not good or bad. Positive or negative comes later. Meaning-making comes after perception. When you truly open your eyes and see, you will find that things are just moving from one place to another: resources, matter, energy, attention, etc. Something that brings is equated to being positive, while something that takes is called negative. But really it is Nature in which all of this happens: where energy moves, matter moves, etc. and you already know that it is very hard to question Nature, isn't it? Therefore, it is you who has to be with the experience. It is you who has to be attentive to recognise the meaning that you unconsciously give to things and how that reduces the experience and it is you who has to drop this habit, for the sake of experience itself.

So, be with it. Make an effort to be with it. Be attentive and open and relentless in being so. Be relentless in finding your true nature as a part of Nature. Experience for the sake of experiencing, not for the sake of deriving patterns and conclusions which will be of no use other than to feed your ego through your sharp intellect. Just, be with it. You do this sincerely and diligently and then, I promise you, She will show her face to you.