Jaisidh's blog.

Change, experience, and karma.

Remember that your experiences will not change unless you change. Otherwise, it will only be recycled. This is important because a stagnant self will fail on new distributions, whereas a growing and evolving self will imbibe them all.

A good starting point is to go big in terms of internal changes. How can I remove or re-orient my obsessions to more noble ventures? How can I find joy in what I despise or what I procrastinate about? These questions encapsulate the essence of the way to true evolution; as told by Ravana the Teacher, moments before his death at the hands of Ram.

With this approach, like Ram, you will find ground to do your karma on, i.e., internal battles where you decide your intent and action. Where you decide what to put down and what to take up. All of this is change. Change is thus entwined with karma: your experience is the fruit of them both.