Jaisidh's blog.

Coming and going.

Remember how you can be seasonal. You're high and fantastic on some days and low and lost on others. Sometimes you are regular and predictable for your own self which is a more manageable and deplorable side of you. Other times you are sporadic and all over the place, which makes you and the people around you anxious and more perturbed.

Notice how these observations can be made about your own self the way you can make them for the weather. Making these observations brings about more self-awareness and detachment, and thus more wisdom about your approach to being with yourself. That is the real goal of your life: to be with yourself. It is not to exist with yourself or to react with yourself, but really to know how to "be", and you can only "be" with yourself when you aware and attentive, but also detached.

Only when this happens can you really see things coming and going within you, and how the motion within gives rise to the motion without, and the irony of how you can be attentive yet playful about the flow of things within, however when you go out into the world and experience the same then all playfulness vanishes. Bliss vanishes.

No. Do away with this. Do away with your boundary of between within and without. Submit to simply enjoying the coming and going of things. Once you do this, once changing world states become the seed of your enjoyment, you will find yourself reaping the fruit of this seed: action.